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Impossible to syncronise with others devices


I have MSecure 3.5.6 and I would like to synchronise with others devises but impossible, it is not active. Therefore I tried to update the release, but impossible to access the site ? Could you tell me how to proceed please ?

Hi Jean,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. I'm not sure I understand your issue here. However, mSecure 3.5.7 is needed to activate mSecure 3 on a computer. Since I'm not sure what kind of computer you are using, here are both links to mSecure 3 for Mac and Windows:

mSecure 3.5.7 for Mac:

mSecure 3.5.7 for Windows:

If this does not resolve your issues, could you please try providing more information about your issues here? If it's a syncing issue, what syncing feature are you trying to use, what kind of devices are you using, and are you getting an error message? If getting an error message, what does the error message say?

Dear Eden, Thank you very much for your fast answer. I know how to synchronise several devices as I have MSecure on my computer (windows 10), my IPhone and my IPad. I did it very often without any problem and it was very useful as it was updating all devices wherever was coming the modification or the add. Now on my computer, the zone where I can « click » to synchronise, is not active ?! And if I try either with my IPad or IPhone, after few seconds I have the message « error synchronising «  without any other comments that all. If you have any ideas they are welcome. Best regards. Jean Luc Durand

Hi Jean,

Unfortunately, I still don't know what kind of computer you are using. I'm guessing since you are simply saying computer you are using a Windows computer. Please let me know if that's not the case. 

1. The sync button on a computer. 

    The button is only activated/usable if you enable Dropbox syncing. Are you trying to use Dropbox syncing here or WiFi syncing?

Here are guides that can help you:

Set up Dropbox syncing in mSecure 3 for Windows:

Set up Dropbox syncing in mSecure 4 for iOS:

Use WiFi syncing between mSecure 3 for Windows and mSecure 4 for iOS:

I have msecure on my windows pc. under settings on my iphone I see the desktop listed. its set to wifi on both but is not syncing. i don't see iphone connected on the windows msecure

Hi Fred,

You shouldn't have any problems using the Wi-Fi sync feature between your PC and iPhone, but there are some settings that need to right in order for the feature to work. Go ahead and go through the steps in this article, and let me know if things start to work:

One thing to be aware of, if you make a change in mSecure on your PC, it will take some time for the sync to appear on your iPhone if both devices are open. You can lock mSecure on your iPhone, make a change on your PC, then unlock mSecure on the iPhone, and you should see the sync take place right away. If mSecure on the iPhone is open and unlocked,  it can't know right when a change is made in mSecure on the PC, so it just waits a certain period of time and then "checks in" with the PC app. If a sync is needed, it happens then.

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