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No asterics (*) in view for credit cards

In the Windows desktop,I can see my credit card number,  Some records that were imported from an older version have the ****.  I can not create any new records with the asteric or change the field to sensitive,  How do I enter my credit card number so it is hidden?


Hi Kim,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing.  I'm not sure I understand your issue here. By default, mSecure 5's Credit Card record type will hide the credit card number with ******. It will also hide or obscure passwords, and sensitive numbers. Can you let me know what kind of record type you are trying to use here? Are you trying to use our default Credit Card type or a custom type you created?

When creating a new Credit Card record, all the information will be visible for you in the Edit screen:

The information will be hidden once you've saved the record and are no longer in the Edit screen.

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