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MSecure 5 Pro Printing hassles

Reinstalled software and now the print function refuses to send database to my printer. Has anyone had this happen and is there an easy fix?

Hi David,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing.  It sounds like you are having printer issues that I'm unlikely to be able to help you with here. However, can you create a PDF file when using the Print option instead? 

  1. Open and unlock mSecure 5
  2. Click the "More" options icon
  3. Click Print
  4. Select "Microsoft Print to PDF" from your printer options
  5. Click "Print" and save your PDF file on your computer

Do you run into any issues trying to do that? If not, this is likely a printer issue and not an issue with mSecure. The good news is that you can always just try printing off the PDF file you created instead.

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