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Updating mSecure 5 to latest version

According to a separate thread the latest version of mSecure 5 for Windows is Version however my copy is showing

I have been into the Microsoft store and clicked on "Get Updates", other apps have been updated but not mSecure.

How do I make sure that mSecure updates correctly (both automatically and manually)?

If I uninstall and reinstall do I risk losing my data? (I'm using WiFi sync and this is the primary computer)

Hi Andy,

Yes, the best way to make sure you're using the latest version would be to uninstall and reinstall. However, since you're using Wi-Fi syncing, please ensure that the information is on your mobile device before doing so and(or) create a manual backup of mSecure 5 on your computer: I'm not sure what is causing you not to be able to update the app on the Microsoft Store app though.

Please make sure to have access to your QR code before reinstalling the app:

Thanks but we seem to have gone backwards - after reinstalling its now showing

Are you part of our mSecure 5 Windows beta? If so, I'll need your Microsoft account email so that I can remove you from the beta which should allow you to update the app to the latest version.

Eden, I have the same issue. I will send you my MS account to remove it too. 

Eden, I also have the same issue.


Ok. We will be removing users from the Windows beta soon to make sure everyone can use the latest version.

All fixed now (for me) - the Windows app has now upgraded itself to - thanks

I'm glad we finally removed everyone from the beta list. I've been wanting that for a while now. We still have the emails of everyone so we can still reach out to everyone next time we run another beta. However, next time I'll make sure we remove people from the Windows beta list once the public release of whatever beta version we were testing is out!

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