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Upgrading to mSecure 5

mSecure 5 includes both Free and Pro features. The Free features can be used forever at no cost. The Pro features are free to try for 30-days. After that, a single one-time purchase (paid upgrade) entitles you to use the Pro features on all of your devices on multiple platforms.

You can download mSecure 5 for free here:

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/msecure-password-manager-and-secure-wallet/id1063795594

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mseven.barolo

Mac: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/msecure-password-manager-and-secure-wallet/id1157750250

Windows: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/msecure-5/9nblggh62pc8

Paid users simply have to sign in to the mSecure account they created and used to purchase an mSecure 5 license.

We recommend starting with mSecure 5 on a device that has the previous versions installed so that mSecure 5 can walk you through the migration process: https://m7software.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000064322. Otherwise, you can always restore from a .msim backup file created in the previous versions: https://m7software.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/folders/36000176540

You can also search our articles on how to create backups of mSecure 3 or 4 here.

I purchased v5.6.2 and it loaded onto my iMac and Macbook air.  When I downloaded this version for my iPhone at the app store and entered the same credentials I used to enter this account, I get a message that the app is good for 24 more days and that I can pay another 29.99 to get the full version.  since I used my user name and password exactly as I did here, why I am being told I have to buy another copy?

I suffered a similar situation but received support from Support.msecure and have had no problems since

Hi Mary,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. The purchase of an mSecure 5 license is tied to the mSecure account used to purchase it with. If you are seeing a trial period, you did not purchase a license with that account. Please let me know, or contact us at [email protected], with details of your purchase and we can help you here.

I think I have found the problem.  I originally purchased v 3 under the email address starting as mtwed............  When I purchased v 5 I got a notice that this email was in use and I put in an email address starting with mltwed.........  All my devices are now showing under the account beginning with mltwed.......... even my iPhone is showing my current account under mltwed... and is not showing it has only so many days to run, so hopefully I got the actual program and not the trial one.  But is not syncing  over msecure cloud.  Only my iMac and macbook are.  I am unable to establish my new account under mltwed........ on the account log on page.  It will not let me do a password set up.    I can only access my old account under mtwedt.....  When I try to log on with my new email account address, mltwed......and ask to set the password, get "This support portal account is not tied to our mSecure app or mSecure account system"  I really need to get mltwedt........ into your system.  If that can be accomplished that would be great.  It is under this name that I purchased v5 as it wouldn't let under my old account name.  But my iPhone stilll does not sync new data.  I don't even see a sync button only sync preferences

Hi Mary,

I see that you have also contact us via email or a ticket on this support website. Let's keep our converstation there to make it easier to refer to your emails and anything else needed. 

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