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Remove "Upgrade Now" pop-up from iOS app

mSecure is great, I've loved using it and the base Essentials plan is working well for me, at least for now.  I know there are upgrades with the higher tiers of mSecure.  Every time I open mSecure on my iOS or macOS devices this pop up is displayed.  Would it be possible to remove this pop up or at least make it pop up less frequently?

I just feel like it gets in the way and is kind of annoying.

Thank you for your work on this app and making it work so well in the Apple ecosystem!

This probably goes without say, but the in-app advertisement for the the Premium subscription is displayed to keep the possibility of upgrading in the line of sight and on the radar of our customers. However, we do not want it to be bothersome and in the way, which is why we made it so the ad can be dismissed by simply tapping the X button. After it has been closed, it won't reappear unless mSecure is force closed and reopened or the device is restarted.

There are a few users who have reported the ad comes back more frequently, and most of the time we find out that those users are in the habit of force closing the app after each use, which isn't typical. If the app is not force closed, then it should only get displayed randomly like after an iOS update where the device's power is cycled, or if you happen to turn off the device and turn it on again. It would also get displayed if the battery was fully drained and was thus powered down. But all of those cases should never be happening frequently. Can you let me know if any of these use cases sounds like what's causing the ad to be displayed in mSecure on your iOS device(s)?

Yes it certainly makes sense and I can understand why you would want something like that to keep the Premium subscription top of mind.  I don't force close my apps or restart my phone all that often.  I think what must be happening on my end is that I open the app infrequently enough that it gets closed as other apps on my phone take up ram space.

I just tried opening it (had it opened yesterday to add a new login) and the ad wasn't there.  So it must just be a timing thing, where I open it and the app has previously closed because it hasn't been used for a certain amount of time.


That would also make sense. I actually forgot to mention that apps to get closed occasionally to free up memory on the device. It doesn't happen that frequently, so it slipped my mind, but if iOS closes mSecure to free up system resources, that would also cause the ad to get displayed again.

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