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mSecure Support

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Have a new phone droud. need to upgrade

I have been using mSecure for many years now using V4 on my old android. Now have a A35 and mSecure needs to be upgraded to V6reset I guess  What are the steps to have mSecure V6 on Win10 and mSecure V6 on the A35?  Including how to update/transfer my 120 password records to both.

Hi Ron,

Thank you for contacting us. Migrating to mSecure 6 should be a very simple process. Before I send any instructions, I need to ask you a couple questions.

First, do you still have access to your old phone? If so, do you have all your data in mSecure 4 on that device?

Second, on your PC, do you see all your data in mSecure 3?

Once I know you have all your data available on your old phone and/or on your PC, I'll help you get the migrated over to mSecure 6.

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