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New update / features?

Hi Mike, 

Hope you are well, been a while. Was wondering if any of the new features from your roadmap will be coming soon. Would love to know what is being worked on currently so we know what will be coming soon (e.g. card linking / filtering on Windows etc)? I know you don't like committing to timescales, but would welcome something along the lines of weeks / months? Many thanks! 

Hi Ai,

It's great to hear from you! We are currently hard at work on version 6.2. This release have quite a few UI updates for iOS, which we've been wanting to do for awhile now. I don't think these will be terribly exciting for anyone, but the Edit Record view and the Security/Sharing Center will have an updated look and the UX has been updated as well to reach some of the features without having to leave the current view.

The big new feature we're working on is the Browser Extension for Windows. The features have been fully implemented now, so we're in the process of testing and the developer is getting all of the graphics added to make it look like it should. With the 6.2 launch, Windows users will finally be able to use the browser extension in Chrome, Firefox, Edge and any other Chrome-based web browsers, just like the Mac version has had since the 6.0 release.

The other feature we're working on is new functionality for saved filters on all platforms. When we first released 6.0, we introduced the Filter Bar for mobile in a very simplified way. We exposed the ability to change the template for each of the filters, but it was very limited in it's feature set. In 6.2, for all platforms including desktop, you'll now be able to create complex filters for each of the available filter slots in the app. So for mobile, there will be 5 available customizable filters in the bar at the top of the record list (there is currently only 4 filters that can be used for templates, so we added one more to the bar). On desktop, the "Quick Filters" at the top of the left column, which coincide with the filters in the Filter Bar for mobile, will be customizable in the same way. 

Filter customization will give you the ability to save multiple Templates, Tags and Vaults as a query for searching records. It will also give you the ability to save what type of sorting the filter has, so each filter can show a different sorting of the records returned. You'll also be able to set an icon for the filter chosen from the different icons we have created for the app. So, for example, you'll be able to save a filter that searches for all records using the "Login" and "Credit Card" templates, with the "online-shopping" and "technology" tags, stored in your "Business" vault, sorted the way you want them sorted each time you tap the filter. Of course, if you want to keep using the filters in the same way as always, that's ok too. In this case, you'll simply get the opportunity to select which template you would like to filter by when you select one of the filters in the Filter Bar or in the left column on desktop.

After 6.2, we're going to be focusing heavily on the web browser functionality for the next release. One of our main goals is to port of the full browser extension to Safari for both Mac and iOS. The current browser implementation for iOS simply ties into Apple's Password AutoFill APIs, and it's not nearly as full-featured as the browser extension. For example, with Password AutoFill in Safari on both Mac and iOS, there is no concept of "Auto-Capture." This means when you enter in credentials for an exiting account, or updated the password for an account in your browser, mSecure can't record them for you automatically. We want that functionality for iOS. We're not sure at this time if it's possible to do so for Android, but if it is, it will be available on that platform as well.

As we move forward in development, I'll get the roadmap page updated so it's exactly in line with our development goals. Right now, we're just working as hard as possible to get 6.2 ready =)  I almost forgot, this release will be ready within months, as most of the logic and all of the UI design is complete. Our goal is always to have it ready as soon as possible, of course, but it should be published by December.


Wow, thank you for such a speedy and comprehensive reply, as a customer / user its greatly appreciated you take the time out to do this. That all sounds fantastic. Really looking forward to the filter upgrade which was something I was asking for a while ago, can't wait! Thank you for looking to update the roadmap, I'm pretty sure there is just me that here that is interested in what ideas you have moving forward on an already brilliant app. Thanks as well for giving some sort of timescale just for context. I shall wait as patiently as I can for the upcoming changes. Looking forward to it! Thank you again!

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