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mSecure freezes after login on Windows 10

I've been using mSecure for several years on my PC.  Today it started freezing immediately after login.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it.  Now it freezes when trying to show me it's new features immediately after I login.

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. This is the first I have heard of this behavior from any of our Windows users. I know on my PC, everything is working as it should with the latest published release of mSecure. The first thing I need to do is find out what version of Windows OS you're running as well as the version of mSecure that's getting downloaded from the Store (if possible).

Real quick, please open the Windows Settings and look to see which version of Windows you're using. Please be sure to include all of the characters Windows displays.

The next one is more difficult, because I'm not sure you'll be able the mSecure version since the app is freezing. Unfortunately, the Windows Store doesn't show the version it serves up to your computer, so we can't look there. When you open mSecure, do you see a version number in the bottom right of the screen?

Hi Mike,

Thanks for responding.  However, I solved the issue by rebooting.  

No problem at all Daniel! It's great to hear everything is working after the reboot.

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