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mSecure Support

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Keep it simple please because it s creating Login issue Now

Hi all , i am an early user of Msecure and can teel you that even 2 years past and it still cause issue with user.

I did recommend Msecure to severals peoples as i do belive it s important for security in IT . Again lately one of the user who has Msecure installed on Iphone did upgraded to a new phone and with the new phone the Msecure App did appear and has he ( Login ) got confuse and somehow had to change it s password witch he did and say success. But on opening / login in Msecure it did open and closed by itself saying ( the password was change on the other phone ) and he received an email for a Invoice for Premium subscription to witch he did paid has he taught this was the cause of the ( self closing of Msecure App ). I do explain to all the persons that i support that there no need to change/ upgrade to V6 as their V5 License is enough for their need. But what happened is the client calling me saying that he cannot open Msecure on either of his phone as it closed by itself saying ( the password has been change on the other phone ). Upon looking at the setup in App Store in the new Iphone it s setup by default as ( upgrade to new App automatically ) to witch i did turn-it ( off ) but the issue remain that the only way to keep Msecure open is to ( Disconnect from the Internet ) then it work ( he can used Msecure to check on password/ note ).

We did write to Msecure support and received the standard Ticket advice and we did go tru the process of changing the Password again and it does say success but again when we open / try to Login in the Msecure App it does open and re-closed by itself and disable Face ID auto password opening and ask the password again but would re-closed by itself.

We are still waiting the response from Msecure on how to resolve the issue and i am scrambling to find the information to resolve the issue on this Blog/support.

But from our point of view ( client of Msecure App ) the default setup of IOS to upgrade App automatically and the wording ( popup message in Msecure  do cause a big confusion / issue to customer. 

So we do give the benefit of a dought that this is not intentionnal from Msecure and it might not be a problem for most client that want the latest features and are willing to pay in a scubscription but the fact proove that there a real confusion / cause issue in the present model and that we cannot all be IT superuser in normal usage of our Phone.

Personally i do still used ( at my own risk ) the V4 in backup of the V6.0.8 and never ran into issue on my Iphone 12 with IOS 15.6.1 but take great care of not touching by mistake the ( Learn More ) button in Msecure and ( not upgrating  in the App Store ) has it did cause issue to severals person that i did recommend and support the Msecure App.

Reading all these post is educative but do not really re-assure me of the future , if it come to the point of getting too complicated just to have a simple password keeper on our phone.

I hope this long text might help some user as i did not find by my-self the solution to the present issue. Thank you

[email protected]

Hi Martial,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure that I undrstand all of what you're saying here. First, to clear up something simple, when you change your password, you are not then charged for a Premium subscription. I think you understand that, but it's hard to tell from the email. If we were to do something like that, it would be incredibly unethical. The only time you get charged for a subscription is if you choose to sign up by pressing the button to purchase mSecure in the app or you do so from our website. This client you're referring to made the choice to purchase mSecure, but that had nothing to do with changing their password. I'm guessing they decided to purchase after they had problems with the password, but purchasing a subscription will not help with what they're experiencing. 

Second, password changes in apps that store encrypted data is a complicated process. The problem is that the data in each app is stored locally on the device, and it is encrypted with the user's account key. If using a cloud sync feature, the encrypted data is also stored in the cloud, but the data is not streamed from the cloud. What that means is all of the data is stored in the cloud and all of the data is stored on the device. When changes are made on the device, that on change is uploaded to the cloud, and then the other device download that one change. What this means is that a password change has to be processed on each device.

When you change your password on device1, that change must first be seen on other devices. However, the data stored on device2, device3, etc. is still encrypted with the old password. The means that you have to enter the old password first to open the app, then after you do that, the app will close and ask you to enter the new password. There's no way to get around it.

Also, if the user decided to reset their account on our website instead of changing the password in mSecure's Settings, that makes things even more complicated. In this case, mSecure should be reinstalled on all devices, something that is instructed on our website when you go through the account reset.

In this case, I don't know what the user did, but everything you are describing is what should happen. If they changed the password from the settings on one device, they need to enter the old password first on other devices in order to decrypt the data stored on that device. If they can't do that, then the need to reset the app and sign in to their account again. Afterwards, all of the data will be synced in.

To be clear, this is the way it's supposed to work. There is no risk here. If you change your password, then enter the old one first on other devices, everything works. If you have forgotten your password, then you change the password on one device and reinstall mSecure on the others. Again, this is the way it has to work due to encrypted data stored locally on each device.

Does that all make sense?

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