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Lost almost all my passwords

MSecure says I have 114 records in the Security Center, but I can see only two of them.   I haven't changed phone (iPhone SE, 16.31 IOS) or made any changes on it recently.  How can I retrieve them?

[email protected]

Hi Maggie,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure what's happening here, but you shouldn't have any problems seeing the data you have stored in mSecure. The only thing I can think is that you may have a filter set that's keeping certain records from getting displayed.

First, go ahead and open mSecure, then look in the top right corner of the app. You'll see a star icon. If that icon is a solid yellow color, tap it so that it changes to a blue outlined star. That will disable the favorites filter.

Next, in the filter bar at the top, that shows the 5 circular icons, tap the left most icon that has 9 circles in it. That will show all your records instead of those using a particular template.

Lastly, if there are little rectangles under the 5 circular icons in the filter bar, tap one of them and then choose the option to remove all filters.

If neither of those changes fixed the problem, please tap the menu button in the top left corner (3 stacked lines), then tell me the number you see to the right of All Records at the top of the menu.

Thank you.  Tapping on the yellow star fixed the problem.

That's great news Maggie! It's great to hear that took care of the problem. Please let me know should you need further assistance.

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