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mSecure Support

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should I purchase mSecure?

I need a password protector and a way to organize all my information, but I'm not very computer savvy.  I used to use the original (free) mSecure app, and it was helpful, but I don’t think I knew how to use all of its features.  Do you have a video or step by step instructions I can see?

Hi Melissa,

Thank you for reaching out to us! At this time, we don't have any how-to videos on using mSecure, but our support team will provide you with the help you need to get up and running, understanding how to enter data, and so-on. Also, for some of the more advanced features like the Browser Extension, Cross-Account Sharing, and others, we do have help articles.

What I would suggest doing is simply downloading mSecure onto your devices, setting up a free account, and then see how you get along in the app. If you run into an issue, I can always help you with understanding how it works, and if you need help in general, we're here for that too. Really, the app is very simple to use. Once you have an account set up, you simply tap the + button to add a record using one of our built-in templates (usually using the Login template), and then you add your data like the URL, Username and Password for an online account. After you do that and save the record, it will sync over to your other devices where you'll always have access to it.

Do you want to download the app and give it a test drive? You'll have 30 days to use all of the features for free. You don't have to enter a credit card to create an account, so the entire process is really risk free.

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