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mSecure Support

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OTP for Android

I see that the last time there was a discussion about One-time passwords not working in Android was 9 months ago.  Can we get an updated timeline please?  Doesn't do me a lot of good to have to carry a laptop with me everywhere I go :)

Hi Doug,

mSecure 6.1 will have One-Time Password functionality, as well as other features and UI changes that bring the Android version completely in line with all other platforms. 6.1 is our main priority right now, and it will be released as soon as possible.

Hi Mike,

I just tried out the latest Android version. One-Time Password is now working correctly - I verified it against the Windows version. There is an additional field type on Android that is called 'One Time Password Field'. This was missing before.

@JSeow It's great to hear everything's working in 6.1. I believe the One-Time Password field was available in 6.0, but I don't have that installed right now and can't remember for sure. At any rate, the OTP field is used for sites with two-factor authentication, I'm sure you know. It can come in very handy as it can take the place of a full-blown authenticator app. 

Thanks Mike! Next, perhaps stupid question, is when do we expect 6.1 to be available in the Play Store? I believe everyone that it works, but still need the actual app :)

@Doug 6.1 is already in the Play Store, but it's being released on a rollout schedule. So far it's available to 70% of our users, and I plan to release to the remainder tomorrow. If you don't see it in the Play Store now, you should have it before the end of day tomorrow.

I'm a simple person - if it isn't in my Play Store then it doesn't exist :) Same release schedule for Apple (the rest of my family)? Doug

@Doug mSecure 6.1 should be available to all users in all app stores. It has been fully rolled out in all of the stores.

I got it, and it's great - thanks!!!

No problem at all @Doug! Take care, and let me know if you have any other questions.

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