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mSecure Support

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Can't authenticate my devices with account in husband's name

My Android phone and Windows 11 laptop won't authenticate our account.  I can download the software, but the authentication procedures don't work.  I have tried the camera option.  I also have the keycode that I can copy and paste, but that doesn't seem to work either.

Hi Garnet,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I'll need more information before I'll be able to help with this issue. First, are you or your husband able to open any version of mSecure on at least one device? if so, does that mSecure app have all your information stored in it?

Also, I was not able to find an account with the email you are using here in the Support Forum. Can you let me know which email address you are using to sign in to mSecure? I need to check things on our end to make sure everything looks right on the account.

Hi, I hope this replies to you. Thank you for answering! I got it figured out. We requested a new email with an authorization code and I was able to get the program to work on both my laptop and android cell phone. Thank you again for answering.

No problem at all Garnet, and it's great to hear you were able to get everything figured out! Let me know if you need further assistance.

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