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mSecure Support

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Subscription problems

I subscribed to mSecure as a transfer from the now discontinued Password Plus. I am fully paid up and will renew on April 2023. But some features stopped working (perhaps at the end of some trial. period even though I am paid) and my V6 tells me some features require Premium. It tells me if I want to upgrade I should click "Learn More" in the navigation view but I can't find such a button. Help!!

Hi Barak,

Thank you for contacting us. I checked your account, and it has an Essentials subscription applied to it. It sounds like you may have wanted to sign up for a Premium subscription instead. Is that correct?

I migrated from Password Plus and was not offered the option to choose Premium at the time. Now when all this started to happen possibly because the one month is over, il looked for but could not find a way to upgrade to Premium though. Can you help?



Hi Barak,

I can help you with this, but it will be easier to do so via email. I see that you have sent a few emails, so I'll respond to one of them now, and we'll keep our correspondence in that one email thread.

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