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mSecure Support

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Windows / Android sync discrepancies

I have mSecure v6 on Windows 11 and Android.  I am using Wi-Fi sync between the two devices.

I have a few issues that I will post in this thread.

Issue 1:  On Windows I selected a login record.  Windows shows a modified date of 10/10/21.  I clicked on the clipboard button to copy the password to paste into a form.  The modified date still says 10/10/21.  Which is what I expect.  I don't consider copying the password a "modify" action.  I then sync to Android.  On Android the record shows a modified date of 4/5/22. 

Two problems.  I don't expect Windows should bump the modified date when copying to clipboard.

Also, now the record in Windows still shows a modified date of 10/10/21 and Android shows a modified date of 4/5/22.  I know a sync occurred, but now the records show different (mod date) values.

@Robert We have new builds for both Windows and Android queued up, but I don't have an ETA yet on when they will be released. For Android, we have improvements coming for the Tags UI, and we're also adding support for the email/username picker, so it's not just bug fixes this time. We need to make sure everything is polished before the release. I would expect it to be released sometime the beginning of next week.

@Mike, two months ago you stated there were updates to address this reported problem.  Is there an update?  This is extremely frustrating that it's still outstanding, especially as a paying customer.

@Robert We have already published those releases. You should not be having problems with syncing in Windows and Android if you are running for Windows and for Android.

If you are still experiencing something wrong, please give some description on what's happening, because the initial problem should be fixed.

Hi Mike,

I can confirm that the issues have been fixed.  Thanks.

@JSeow Thank you so much for confirming this! It's one of the things I love about the forum where users can get feedback from other users and not just the development team. It can be very helpful in cases like this.

@Mike, I am still seeing on Anrdroid, when I view (only) a record to copy the password, the Last modified date is touched.  You confirmed this was a bug and fix was forthcoming.   That is the fix I am still outstanding.  I'm looking for the fix where you stated "After data is copied to the clipboard, the record's modified date should not be changed in any mSecure app. The sync to get the record to the top of the Recents list will take place, but the user should not see the modified date get changed."

@Robert Can you tell me what version of mSecure you are running on your Android device? All of the issues you are referring to here should be fixed if you are running the latest version of the app. I'm using the new version on my Android device, and the modified date is not updated when I copy data to the clipboard, but it does move the record up the recents list. 

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