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mSecure Support

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Safari Extension not visible

I have updated to V6 latest version. However Safari extension i cannot enable.

I followed the procedure as mentioned in

On my mac i do not have the password autofill option as  shown in above article

My macbook pro  (2014) has Catalina 10.15.7

I deleted the app and re-installed on my mac however no luck.

Pls advise. Thks.

Hi Rene,

I'm not sure why the Safari extension isn't working for you. As long as you were able to follow the steps in the support article, mSecure's data should be linked with Mac OS so that it can be accessed by Safari. Real quick, when you open "Preferences > Extensions," do you see mSecure in the box to the right, and is it checked?

Hi Mike,

No, i do not have that option.  See attached screenshot. As you can see no "password autofill".




I think what's happening here is that third-party Password AutoFill is only available in macOS Big Sur and newer. That feature doesn't appear to be available in Catalina.

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