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V6 Update - Whats in for V5 Pro users?

Hi Mike

I got the email informing me about the incoming update, so I was aware that sooner or later the App would be updated.

As the email stated and explained the different versions, it was clear for me that I would simply remain on the "Essential" Version with the benefits of what V5 Pro License had.  Like others, If a product requires a montly plan, I simply dont buy it. 

Anyway, although it was explained in the mail, some things dont match up and I am uncertain as to what I have and how it will evolve.

I wont go on any payment plan, thus Essential:

1.) Can I still sync between my mobile phone and W10 computer?

2.) I read something about that I will only have 1 Year of free supscription, then later I would need to pay nevertheless (not sure, if this is just a false interpretation by someone here in the forum)

3.) Why do I have a timer, telling me that I have 25 remaining days for premium

4.) How will it evolve on later versions (e.g. 7). Will it essentially boil down to enforcing a payment method, regardless of what was pruchased before?

Basically I am happy with mSecure  (still dont like it that you have to scroll all the way and there is no alphabetical quick access).... 


...I understand that there are cost involved.  So, I for my part would have not worried too much if there was a price tag added for a single payment to upgrade - basically as bonus to existing customers.  And have the payment scheme only for new customers.

Anyway, feedback appreciated 


Hi Horst,

I'm not sure if you have already found answers to your questions, but here are my answers...

1) mSecure 6 is supported on iOS, Android, Mac and Windows, so you should be able to use your phone and computer as you did before

2) The Essentials account is guaranteed for 3 years, but we currently have no plans on charging for an upgrade in the future. It is our hopes that all users with an mSecure 5 Pro license will not have to pay for an upgrade in the future.

3) There are now two subscription tiers in mSecure 6. You have free access to the Essentials tier, and we're giving everyone 30 days to test out the Premium features. After the Premium trial expires, since you have an Essentials account, you will have access to Essentials features moving forward.

4) At this time, we don't know what major releases will look like in the future, but we hope to get away from numbers altogether. As a subscription model, we simply plan to continually release bug fixes and incremental features updates to keep development cycles very small. As mentioned in #2 above, we don't have plans to charge v5 Pro users an upgrade fee in the future, with a 3 year guarantee of free access to Essentials features. 

Hi Mike,

thanks for the response, I am fine with the options provided and giving me another 3 Y of use without any additional costs is a generous move from your side, even though some do not see it that way. 

Just some thoughts nevertheless.

I dont mind paying for an upgrade now and then. I hate subsciption models though. Why not offer a "Essential" Special for previous V5 Pro users, e.g. 5 Years (instead of 3Y for free) for an upfront payment of 25 euro as example....

Aynway, take care  - and lets face it, to have you data secure is going to cost money :-)



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