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mSecure Support

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Tags & mSecure essentials subscription

In looking at the features listed under the essentials subscription for mSecure 6, I don’t see tags listed and instead that seems to be a premium subscription option. However as someone who is upgrading from mSecure 5, it seems that I will lose the ability to use groups a.k.a. tags if I stick with the essentials subscription. All of the information that has been shared states that there will be no loss of functionality for those who have mSecure 5 and instead only have additional functionality with the essentials subscription that we are “grandfathered” into by being pro users. Can someone confirm that tags is part of the essentials plan?

Mike indicated in previous answers to this question that Essentials will support one tag on a record,

@Noella Thanks again for answering Noella!

@Linda As @Noella mentioned, if you have a V5 Pro/paid license, you now have a V6 Essentials account. That means you have access to all of the features in v5 (and more) after the Premium trial expires. The Premium trial is active so you get a chance to try all of mSecure's features for a set amount of time. After the Premium trial expires, since you have an Essentials account, you'll have access to the Essentials features moving forward.

With regards to tags specifically, the full functionality is only available with a Premium subscription, and the only difference is that you can add multiple tags to each record. With an Essentials account, you'll only be able to add one tag, which makes the feature pretty much identical to Groups in V5.

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