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App says trial period expired


I've purchased an upgraded to mSecure 5 Pro but when signing in on  IOS my account still says 'Your Trial period has expired'.

Hi Dale,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I checked your mSecure account using the email address you are using here in the forum, and I was able to find it. The problem is, it doesn't have a license associated with the account. This usually means you purchased the license on our website using a different email address, but it could also mean there was a problem after the purchase and mSecure missed assigning the license to your account.

Can you let me know where you purchased mSecure from? Was it on our site, or was it from inside the app in which case it would have been purchased from the App Store? Do you happen to have a receipt of the purchase?

Hi Mike

I believe that I purchased mSecure from the Website, but can't be 100% sure. It may have been via the app. Regardless, the email address would have been the same. I don't have a receipt, but I do have the 'Welcome to mSecure' email with the account key. I received this on August 29 2021.

Thanks Dale 

Hi Dale,

If I can find some records of your purchase, it's very simple for me to add a license to your account. However, if I can't find the purchase, then I have no way to confirm that one was made. I did check our purchase system, and I'm not seeing a purchase using the email address that I used to find your account.

I'm going to have you check your username in mSecure on your iPhone real quick. To that, open mSecure, tap the menu icon in the top left of the screen, then tap Settings. In the Settings screen, tap Account Settings. What email address do you see next to Username?

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