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mSecure Support

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not accepting my touch ID

my Msecure window shows picture of an unlocked lock and since then, it will not accept my touch ID

Hi Sally,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you saying that you were using Touch ID to unlock mSecure, and now you are not able to use Touch ID any longer? When you open mSecure, does the Touch ID window pop up automatically and ask you to use your fingerprint to authenticate?

That is correct; touch ID is no longer working but just for Msecure...I do notice that in the box where you would type in password, the little LOCK on right side, is Unlocked and I have not been able to change that.  I feel that is why it's not accepting my fingerprint.  No, the touch ID window does not pop up automatically and does not ask for me to use my fingerprint.  Note, my iphone and iPad work just fine using my touch ID/fingerprint.

Hi Sally,

The lock being in the unlocked position is not the issue here. That graphic looks like that to indicate that after entering your password and tapping the icon, mSecure will be unlocked. The problem is, something has made it so that the Touch ID feature is no longer getting displayed. The only way we know this happens is if fingerprint information in the iOS Settings app is changed in any way, like a fingerprint is added or removed. If that happens, certain apps, like security apps, are designed to disable Touch or Face ID. This is to keep people from getting a hold of your device in an unlocked state, adding their fingerprint in iOS Settings, and then gaining access to your mSecure data.

First, when you open mSecure, does the Touch ID dialog get displayed, or are you never asked to touch your finger to the Touch ID sensor? Second, on the lock screen where you see the unlock icon, do you see a red or blue fingerprint icon anywhere, and if so, what happens when you tap it?

First, I am never asked to touch my finger to Touch ID sensor.

Secondly, there is no red or blue fingerprint icon anywhere (I do know what that looks like on other apps)

about the key lock graphic; it is ALWAYS in the unlocked position; so it makes me wonder if it's stuck in unlocked, it may never be able to show me the Touch ID dialog

For the graphic, there is only one lock state displayed on the lock screen. I know it sounds reasonable that there would be one when the app is locked, and then another when it's unlocked, but it doesn't work that way, mostly because when it's unlocked, the screen immediately vanishes, so there would be no time to show a different state of the icon. Instead, it's just there to indicate that when you tap it, it will attempt to unlock mSecure.

Once mSecure asks for the password to be entered manually, it has to be entered to unlock the app. The only other option we have here is to try rebooting your device. I don't think that's going to have an effect on what's happening, but it's the only option I have to offer right now. Go ahead and follow the steps in this article to restart your phone, and then open mSecure again:

Did that help Sally?

so, my iphone and iPad are working just fine; it's my MacBook pro.  I will look at your link and see if it may apply to my Notebook Pro.  If it doesn't work, I will need to give up since you say there is no other option you can offer.  thank you.

Thank you for the extra information Sally. Since you have other devices where everything is working, the fix here will be pretty simple. Before I give you instructions on resetting mSecure on your Mac, can you confirm for me that all your data is able to be accessed in mSecure on your iPhone and iPad? What I mean here, is the data fully up to date when you unlock those apps and view it?

YES; everything is up to date on iphone and iPad.

thank you.

Ok, what you need to do here is delete the mSecure database file on your Mac, and then sign back in to your account. To do this, you can follow the steps below:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac (you won't have to unlock it)

2. Click Help in the menu bar at the top left of your screen, hold down the "option" key on your keyboard, and you should see two hidden options appear in the drop down menu

3. Click "Show Data File in Finder", and a Finder window will appear revealing mSecure's database file, which is named, "mSecure.mscb"

4. Close mSecure

5. Move the "mSecure.mscb" file to the trash

Now you have reset the Mac app, and you're ready to sign back in to your mSecure account:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac if it is closed

2. Skip the welcome screens to go directly to the Sign Up / Sign In screen

3. Click "Sign In"

Enter your mSecure account's email address for the username, then enter the password for that account to sign in to it.

Thank you, Mike! Your instructions above were very easy and all is working well now.

Have a good day.  Sally  

You're welcome Sally! Take care, and let me know should you need further assistance.

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