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mSecure Support

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Mac Mini M1 Backup Crash

Have migrated from Windows to a Mac Mini M1 (as primary computer).

Backup from File>Backup appears to work OK but backing up from the Preferences menu appears to delete all existing backups (and doesn't backup the current database).

In addition attempting to Restore from Preferences consistently crashes the application.

Hi Andy,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I'm not sure what's happening here, but we haven't run into this problem you are describing with backups with other customers. Also, we just checked this functionality on our M1 Mac, and everything is working as it should. The only thing I can think of doing here is to have you do a full reset of mSecure on your Mac Mini and see if that fixes the problem.

I checked your "[email protected]" mSecure account, and it looks like you have at least one iOS device you are running mSecure on as well. Also, it appears you are using Wi-Fi syncing to keep your information in sync on all your devices. Is all your information up to date on any iOS device(s) you are running mSecure on?

OK thanks - yes I'm running with Windows, Mac and multiple iOS devices - I have switched the master to MacOS for wi-fi syncing and all is working well.

I'll just leave things as they are - at least the File=>Backup appears to work - I don't want to risk a full reset.

No problem at all Andy! Should you run into any other issues using mSecure, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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