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mSecure Support

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iWatch mSecure password

My watch is saying I am using the wrong passcode. This is a 4 digit number which I am ABSOLUTELY certain is the code I set and have used it many times before to open the app on my watch. However, today despite entering the code several times, the app is saying the passcode is wrong. What can I do?

Hi Rita,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I'm not sure what could be happening here, but there are times when the Watch App can get out of sync with the iPhone app. Did this just start happening completely randomly, or was some other event preceding it? Did you have upgrade iOS or Watch OS, or upgrade to a new device by chance?

Thank you for your reply. However, I have solved the problem with help from the forum.

No problem at all Rita! It's great to you were able to get the resolution you needed. Thank you very much for your time, and please let us know should you need further assistance.

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