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mSecure Support

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Phone number to contact msecure

Does anyone has a contact number were msecure can be reached at?

6 persone hanno questa domanda

Hi Julio,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the late reply to your question. We don't offer phone support at this time, but I am happy to help you here in the forum. I saw your question for help in a different thread, and it looks like you may have forgotten your password. Is that correct? Do you have access to your information in any version of mSecure running on any of your devices?

I deleted my msecure4  mobile by accident and I tried to reinstall the msecure app but only msecure5  is available.  How can I restore my msecure4 back onto my mobile and if that is not possible can I upgrade to the msecure5 and carry over my information from msecure4 acct.? Please help! I'm desperate to get my  information back! 

You have a couple of options here, as long as you know the password for restoring the backup you have. You can look in your "Purchase" apps list in the App Store your use, and you should be able to download the older version of mSecure. However, if you moved from one platform to another (iOS to Android or vice a versa), the only option will be to upgrade to mSecure 5 and restore your data in the new app.

Do you want to upgrade to mSecure 5, or are you wanting to continue using the old mSecure app instead?

does it cost to upgrade to 5 if you already paid lifetime for msecure 4?

mSecure 5 is a paid upgrade to earlier versions of the app. However, as an existing customer, there is a discount you can receive.

I do not recall my password for MSecure 4. I have been using face ID for a long time. Can you help me get my password so I can merge my files into MSecure6

I am trying to merge my MSecure4 info into MSecure6 but need my MSecure 4 password. I have been using facial ID for the past year and do not recall my password. Can you help me retrieve it? 

@Kenneth Unfortunately, there's no way to easily retrieve your password in mSecure. The good news is, however, it can be done. We'll need to move this issue over to email support in order for me to help. Please send an email to "" with what you're needing help with, then respond here in this thread. As soon as I see the email, I'll respond.

PLEASE respond to my email. At present, I cannot access my passwords. If I need to buy either 5 or 6, happy to do so.  I had previously had msercure as, I believe, a free edition. Thank you. Stephen

@Stephen I believe you are already getting help from Liam, one of our other support representatives, as I just found your ticket in our system, and you just responded a few minutes ago. He will be able to help you through the issue you're experiencing.


I have paid for Secure.  I cant follow the instructions. to get into it... I need help.  Please help help help

Many thanks


Mike I cant follow the instructions to get on to Secure

Can someone please call me

I am old

There are too many words for me to remember

Should I phone someone or can someone call me


@Jeanine What instructions are you trying to follow? I should be able to help you with anything problems you're having, but I'll need to know what's happening first. Please be as descriptive as possible about your context. For example, are you upgrading from an older version of mSecure, or are you a new customer? Did you move over from a different password manager, or are you starting out fresh with mSecure? Also, what specifically is going wrong? Are you having trouble signing in to your account? If you are seeing any error messages, what do they tell you?

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