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mSecure Support

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You make this impossible so you can keep my money!


Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you running into some problem after purchasing your mSecure license? If so, I'm more than happy to help. Let me know what's happening, and I'll do everything I can to resolve the problem.

Also, I saw another post where you mention something about your password. I'm going to delete that thread, and we can continue just on this thread instead.

"I used to sign in with finger print and have long forgotten my password. Now I have a new phone, all apps moved from old phone but when I try to access msecure the finger print option is not available, so I'm stuck.""

Hi James,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. Due to how the iOS security works, when a new phone is purchased, the fingerprint or face information used to encrypted data on the old device cannot be used on the new device. Since that security information is not migrated to the new device, there is no way to decrypt data stored in mSecure without knowing the password. Do you still have access to mSecure on your old iPhone or any other device by chance?

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