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mSecure Support

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cannot restore from email backup

I am trying to restore my mSecure data from an email backup. As I cannot directly access the Backup from mSecure I copied the file onto my computer. If I try to access this copied file from mSecure via file -> restore I get a message that I do not have the access rights to copy the folder. Can you help me?

1 persona ha questo problema

Hi Gerlinde,

Thank you for contacting us and I am sorry about the issue you are experiencing. It sounds like you might have copied the backup file to a location that you do not have permission to use or the file was saved with odd file permissions. Can you let me know where you saved your backup file? Also, what version of mSecure are you trying to use here? 

Nick Ross has already tried to help, but unhappily I have not gotten any further yet. I am using mSecure 3 on my Mac, and that is the device I am having the issues with. I just did a normal Email Backup, so the backup exists as an attachment to an email. 

Any idea what to do?

Hi Gerlinde,

Please download the attachment on a folder you have better permissions for. I would recommend downloading the attachment to your Desktop or Downloads folder. You should have no issues after the attachment is in a better location. For more specific instructions on how to download or save an attachment on a folder, please let me know the exact email client you are using or just Google "how to save attachment on <EMAIL SOFTWARE BEING USED>" and I'm sure Google will have simple instructions available for you.

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