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mSecure Support

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Import csv file not behaving

For Email Account, the order is wrong.  The last six fields supposedly Incoming Mail Server, Incoming Port Number, Outgoing Mail Server, Outgoing Port Number, POP3 Host and SMTP Host but the import using the order POP3 Host, SMTP Host, Incoming Mail Server, Incoming Port Number, Outgoing Mail Server and Outgoing Port Number.

For Credit Card, the Security Code field is ignored and it treated Issuing Bank as Security Code, then shifted the field, i.e. Phone Number becomes Issuing Bank, Billing Address  becomes Phone Number, etc. 

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing.  I'm not sure what is happening here. However, you can fix this by going into the Edit Type settings in the mSecure 5 settings, selecting the record type in question, and changing the field labels to match the field types and data you are using for those fields. Please let me know if you need more detailed information on how to do this.

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