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View Backups

I need to view info on an old mSecure Backup sent to my email (I need to find an old password, which turns out still to be the active one). But I do NOT want to Restore ANY data onto my current mSecure system.

Hi Pen,

Thank you for contacting us. There is no way to simply view a backup file's contents. In order to view the contents, you must restore from that backup in mSecure. From looking at our system, it looks like you are using mSecure 5 only on iOS. It also looks like you have selected WiFi syncing as your syncing method. Before dealing with the backup issues, please note that you need mSecure 5 on a computer in order to use WiFi syncing in mSecure 5 on any device. You can learn how to use and set up our syncing features here:

Now, for your backup issue. If using mSecure 5 and if the backup file is a .msim backup file, you can either create a new backup file of your current mSecure 5 information, restore from the old backup file, view and make notes of the contents of this old backup file, and then restore from the newest backup file to restore your information again, or alternatively, you can download mSecure 4 and restore the old information in mSecure 4 instead.

Download previous versions:

Backup and restore for mSecure 5:

Backup and restore for mSecure 4 for iOS:

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