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Incorrect Synchronization

I've mSecure on my Win10 desktop (Principal/Main Computer) and on my Tablet (Android) and Smartphone too (Android)
My Win10 is the principal computer, but when I change some password in my items, on my principal/main computer win10, both Tablet and Smartphone does not synchronize and my Win10 mSecure does not change the password: the password on the principal/main computer is overwritten by the password on the tablet or smartphone
My Sync method is WiFi.
It seems that my win10 mSecure is NOT the principal/main...

1 persona ha questo problema

Hi Paolo,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. I believe you might have run into a modified date issue here. Can you check to see what the Last Modified Date is on the records you're having issue with? 

Hello Eden, thank you for your answer. You're right: my Last Modified Date in some of my record is VERY strange... In the attached file you can read "September 13th, 2207". I'm feeling like in a Star Trek trip :) How can I avoid this problem in the future?

Hi Paolo,

I thought this might be the issue. The bug makes the last modified date be way in the future and because of it, any time you sync your information, the records affected will not be changed.

My recommendation would be to use mSecure 5 on Mac or Windows:

  1. Disable syncing in mSecure 5
  2. Delete the data.mssb sync file if using Dropbox or iCloud syncing (Dropbox/Apps/mSecure 5/userId/data.mssb or iCloud/mSecure/userId/data.mssb)
  3. Create a backup of mSecure 5: (this is just to have a backup)
  4. Uninstall mSecure 5 from all devices besides one instance of Mac or Windows
  5. Bulk delete all of your records
  6. Bulk recover all of your records (recover records from the "Deleted Items" section)
  7. Create a backup:
  8. Enable syncing again
  9. Reinstall mSecure 5 on all of your devices

I'm sorry about the inconvenience this issue has caused. The latest versions of mSecure 5 have fixes for this issue so it should not reoccur once fixed. 

I am having a similar issue to Paolo. I am using mSecure 5 and the last modified date on on of my records is showing as 21/11/2420. I don't know when this changed but there was an issue a few months ago where I thought that the app was stripping out special characters from my passwords. I am now wondering whether is was in fact just resynching with older versions on my mobile devices which didn't have special characters. All other records seem to have normal last modified dates

My principal computer is running Windows 10. I have a lot of vital security info in the record affected and I am nervous of the procedure you recommend. I also have mSecure installed on  4 other devices. Is there no other way round this?

Hi Leo,

I'm sorry that you've experienced this issue. Unfortunately, there's no other way around the problem. The process to fix this issue will not cause any data lose and I even instruct you to create backup file just in case anything were to happen. Thankfully, you can always restore your data exactly as it is/was from a backup file. Each mSecure backup file is encrypted with the mSecure account password in use when the backup file was created. In order to restore from a backup file, you will need to know it's password.

I am running mSecure 5 Version and this problem just happened. I though it was supposed to have been fixed. 

Is the latest version? If it is, I'm reluctant to spend all the time and effort performing the steps described above only to have the problem recur.

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