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mSecure Support

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Cannot logon to complete upgrade

I purchased and downloaded an upgrade to MSecure 5, but I cannot get past the introductory login screen.  It does not accept any of my MSecure passwords, and there is no option to reset the password.  Fortunately MSecure 3 is still working, but I would like to try the new version.

1 persona ha questo problema

Hi James,

If you have forgotten the account password, you can go here to reset your mSecure account and create a new account password:

Please note that this is for the mSecure account corresponding to the email address you are using for this website. That account was created on March 12th, 2017 and has never been used. Only mSecure 5 uses an account system so do not worry about losing any information here. Nothing you do in mSecure 5 will affect the previous versions of mSecure or their information.

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