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mSecure Support

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Please be patient with me as I am a senior citizen and some things get confusing.   I purchased a new Samsung 9+ and when I open Msecure it wants me to set a mSecure password.  I don't understand if I enter a password am I setting up a new account and lose all my information.  or do I enter my current  password to get to my records?  Everything still opens fine on the old phone.  I'm so scared of losing all the information I already have.

2 persone hanno questa domanda

Hi Virginia,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you're experiencing. First, what version of mSecure are you trying to use here?

If you are trying to use mSecure 4: 

Since the older version(s) of mSecure isn't a cloud-based app, there is no way to "sign in" to an account where your information is stored online. Because of this, each older version of the mSecure's login password is device specific and your information is not automatically restored when an older version of mSecure is installed or reinstalled on a mobile device. When you install or reinstall mSecure 4 on a device, you are starting from scratch and creating a new login password. Afterwards, you would be able to either setup a sync feature if you were previously using one, or restore from a .mscx or .msim backup file.

If you are trying to use mSecure 5:

Is this your first time using mSecure 5? Were you previously using mSecure 4? If so, nearly the same rules apply. You'll have to create an mSecure account and then you'll have to restore your mSecure 4 information from a .msim backup file. If you've been using mSecure 5, you'd have an mSecure account and you would not want to create a new one. You would simply need to sign in to the same mSecure account in order to be able to sync in your information. Please note that I did not find any account for the email address you are using on this website.

I sure appreciate you getting back to me.  The problem is I apparently don't know the email address used to open this account.  As I might have stated before I am a senior citizen and when the other program (Pocket) was not working right, my son installed msecure (since that is what he uses)

I just purchased a Galaxy 9+ and it has both msecure 4 and 5 on it (I was using 4 on my old phone)  Obviously I know my password since I can still open this on my old phone.  I'm in Texas and my son lives in Ohio, so he can't help me.  I saved some type of encryption code and the password  and I  just assumed he used this email.  I have tried every email I use including my son's email and nothing opens it.  I am so frustrated I'm ready to cry.  I have so much info on this account and I don't know what I will do if I can't get it to work on this new phone.  Right not I'm carrying the old phone with me in case I need a password. I even took some info I printed out over to Best Buy and he backed up the info to the internal SD card and then put the SD card into the new phone.

So what can I do if I don't know what email account was used?

Hi Virginia,

I'm sorry this seems so hard. mSecure 5 is a completely new and separate app. As I tried to mention earlier, mSecure 5 is the first and only version of mSecure to use an account system. I would highly suggest using mSecure 5 on the device that you currently have mSecure 4 on. Simply create an account for your email address, and mSecure 5 should ask you if you'd like to migrate your information to mSecure 5. Afterwards, you'll be able to sign in to the same mSecure account in mSecure 5 on any other device and have access to your mSecure information.

How the migration process works:

How to set up mSecure 5 on all devices:

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