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mSecure Support

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Receiving product

So when the upgrade was first announcecd I jumped on the band wagon and bought ahead of launch that was a year ago and now you want me to buy again? I have had the product for 4 years and I would like the recent version that I paid for over a year ago Thank you

1 persona ha questo problema

Hi Marion,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure I understand your issue here. The purchase of an mSecure 5 license is tied to the mSecure account used to purchase it with. mSecure 5, mSecure 5.0.1, mSecure 5.5, etc. are all the same app and we are not charging again if you've already purchased mSecure 5. If you receive a marketing message of any kind, but have already purchased an mSecure 5 license, please ignore the marketing message.

All that said, our system shows that you have a paid mSecure account but have not used mSecure 5 yet.

You can download mSecure 5 here:


Paid users simply have to sign in to the mSecure account they created and used to purchase an mSecure 5 license(the email address you are using for this website). I would recommend starting with mSecure 5 on a device that has the previous versions installed so that mSecure 5 can walk you through the migration process: Otherwise, you can always restore from a .msim backup file created in the previous versions:

If you have forgotten your mSecure account, please go here to reset the account and create a new account password:



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