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Shared passwords

My wife and I have several shared accounts (Netflix, mortgage, house wifi password, etc.).

I'd love to have a separate list of records for shared passwords, that would sync when either of us create, update or delete records in that list (assuming we both have mSecure).

The way I envision it is to have a "Open List" option in the menu. It would show lists I have created. I can create a new list (using a different password for that list), and choose to share that list with another user, based on their msecure account email address. Her account would then show that list when she chooses "Open List". I would tell her the password for that list, so that she could unlock it. I'm guessing a requirement is that the backup is stored in msecure cloud, so that both accounts can access it.

It's a large sized Feature Request, but it would be great for couples, families, etc.

10 persone apprezzano questa idea
Ok, I’ll try that.

Sounds good @Thomas. Let me know if you have other questions about v6!

Hi Mike. As a matter if fact I noticed that my vaults from 1Password was indeed imported as tags to mSecure. Cool. No need to go through all and manually tag them. Q: if I do vaults, can I as admin see what’s in them? Would be good if say my wifes iPhone gets damaged and she needs a pw from there? But now that I noticed the tag-imort we will probably not use vaults. Is this about tags and vaults and import from 1Password possible to find in FAQ or support pages? So it is easy for new users to find?

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for the report about vaults getting imported as tags in mSecure. While I have used 1Password, and I know about their vaults feature, I was actually not aware that the vaults were getting imported as tags, so I'll have to look into this. I would have though that only the tags for records in 1Password (that app has a tags feature as well) would have been added as tags in mSecure.

The difference between tags and vaults is a little more subtle than I would like it to be. When I think of the features, I think more about the code implementation, as I'm responsible for the cloud code that handles some of the record processing, so it's much, much different at that level. In the app, however, the functionality looks really similar. The way to think of tags, and forgive me if this is all obvious stuff I'm rambling about here, is as a quick, almost transient, label you're placing on your records for purely organizational purposes. mSecure can very quickly look at the labels, and then isolate record based on them. 

In contrast, vaults are like buckets or collections of data. Those buckets can have other user accounts added to them with privileges moderating the access the other users have to the data stored in them. Also, and this important, vaults are really only needed if you are sharing data between different mSecure account. So if you and your wife have your own mSecure accounts, and you want to have data shared between those two accounts, then you have to use vaults. In that case, the tags you add to records would never be seen in your wife's mSecure account, because without having access to vaults you add your wife's account to, her account has no way to see any of the data stored in your account. That sentence is poorly written, but the short way to say it is, vaults provide access to the same data shared between different accounts.

Do you and your wife share one mSecure account, or do you each have your own account?

Also, at this time, we don't have a FAQ describing particular points of interest when it comes to data imported from 1Password, but I believe we're going to need to get that ready for v6. I am happy to help in any way I can though =) 

One note to this: until this feature is implemented, icloud backup doesn't work with the workaround to use one account between me and my partner's devices, since we have different icloud accounts. mSecure's iCloud  documentation says this, but I didn't read that until after I tried (and failed). So wifi or msecure cloud are the only options for backup for 2 people using one msecure account.

HI Ben,

Thank you for the feature request. This has been something in our radar for some time now. I believe our goal is to eventually create this kind of feature. However, it's always great to have feedback from customers about wanting such sharing abilities. 

I would hope that we would still be able to use wifi sync with this; not everyone is comfortable with any kind of cloud storage for sensitive information.

I would like to be able to segregate out my work entries from personal, so that my personal could be shared with my wife, so sounds like we are asking for the same thing.

Hi Kevin,

I'm not exactly sure how this feature will be implemented. However, it will likely require our mSecure Cloud syncing feature. There is still a possibility that we would set up our syncing features to work with WiFi syncing. However, it is highly unlikely. Ideally, we would allow you to share specific groups with others and have control of who is allowed to edit records in the shared groups. 

I have been asking this feature for many years now.

I have some entries and passwords which I need to share with family members. It would be so easy if I could just share those entries with them via Dropbox or any other sync method.

Currently the only solution is to add those entries in their devices separately.

Soon to be a deal breaker.  If I'm out of pocket (health, travel, etc) my wife will have no way to manage our situation.  I've used mSecure for years, she has to come ask me about passwords, etc.  Please make this one a priority.  

Hi Reivers,

You can always share your mSecure account with others. Personally, my wife and I use a single mSecure account for all our information. She generally doesn't use the app much, but I store all the important information on it so I like her to be able to have access to all of the information in case anything were to happen.

I hope this is the top priority in next major update. Multiple vaults and sharing vaults will make things much more easier.

Hi Dharmil,

Yes, sharing features and better filtering options are our top priority beyond browser plugins.

My wife and me are using mSecure since years, but lately I started to look around and I already planned the switch to 1Password or LastPass because of this missing feature. Now I found this nearly one year old discussion - I hope you're still working on it. Any updates?

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