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Support mSecure


Sync Error

 "Local account key doesn't match remote account key." using mSecure IOS app. Error happens with mSecure cloud and iCloud. I have been using the mSecure cloud which is the current setting.

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. The error message you're seeing is getting displayed because the sync data stored in your iCloud Drive account is encrypted with the old version of your Account Key. After resetting an mSecure account, the security information gets recreated, so all existing data must be reset in order for the app to function correctly moving forward. In the case of syncing via iCloud and Dropbox, the sync data cannot be deleted automatically after an account reset, so it has to be done manually instead.

To reset the sync information in your iCloud Drive account, follow these steps:

  1. Open "" and sign in to your iCloud Drive account
  2. Click the "Drive" icon
  3. Click "Browse" in the left column
  4. Open the "mSecure" folder
  5. Open the folder named with what looks like 10 random characters
  6. Delete all files and folders you see in the folder you just opened

Did this work for you?

Thank you for the information. Before I was able to try the steps, the problem fixed itself. Turns out I am using the mSecure cloud.

That's great news to hear! Please let me know if you need anymore assistance in the future.

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