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Support mSecure

password for PC

I can access to my account via 2 icons on my i-phone  but my password does not work any;ore on my PC,
Please help me for my PC account. 

Thanks again,


Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I need to know what version of the mSecure app you are using on your PC. I also need to know what version of mSecure has the most data on your iPhone. mSecure 6 is the dark blue app with a key and mSecure 3/4 is a light blue app with a key. Are you able to manually enter your password to unlock both versions of the app on your iPhone?

After I get this information, I will assist further in troubleshooting this issue.

iPhone で両方のバージョン、 iPhone。

mSecure 濃い青色のアプリでも、mSecure 3/4 は薄い青色のアプリでも手動でパスワードを入力してアクセスすることができます。

⇒ 両バージョンともiphone上ではアクセス可能です。




ご回答ありがとうございます。この回答はDeepLを使って翻訳しているので、文法の一部が正しくないかもしれません。iPhoneのmSecureの両方のバージョンでデータにアクセスできるのですね。また、PCにmSecure 3/4を入れているとのことですが、現在動作していません。mSecure 6はMicrosoft Store Appから無料でダウンロードできます。アプリを使用するには、まずMicrosoft StoreアプリからMicrosoftアカウントにサインインする必要があります。



Thank you for your response. Ok, so you have access to your data on both versions of mSecure on your iPhone. I also see that you say you have mSecure 3/4 on your PC and now it is not working. What we can do is install mSecure 6 on your PC and then you will have all of your data in the new app. mSecure 6 is accessed through the Microsoft Store App which can be installed for free. You will first need to sign in to your Microsoft Account through the Microsoft Store App to be able to use the app.

Are you willing to do this?

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