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mSecure is far from being a secure company

After paying for another year's subscription my copy of mSecure on 3 devices and desktop have 


I even have a receipt for the subscription but after assurances from mSecure that this matter will be investigated they have still left me hanging with an almost unusable app. I am currently in touch with Paypal and who handle the payment and should receive a refund very soon. mSecure have in fact done me a favour as I have now switched over to a far more comprehensive Password Manager app. I have never been treated with such much contempt as this company. 

2 personnes se posent la même question

Hi Paul,

I'm sorry for the issue you're dealing with here, but I'm not sure how you can post here that you're being handled with contempt by mSeven Software. I am guessing something very simple is going wrong here, and we'll get to the bottom of it. You don't need to speak with such hyperbole in order to get help.

If by chance you have emailed us and we haven't gotten back to you in a timely manner, our support team has experienced multiple occurrences of downtime due to winter conditions and a family emergency. We always apologize for such delays, but sometimes they are inevitable. That doesn't automatically mean our company is treating you with contempt.

Now onto the issue at hand. If you are not seeing your subscription in mSecure's Account Settings, it's most likely being caused by one two things: you've either change your username, and the system was not able to find your account to update it after the renewal, or the account was deleted. I was able to find your account and know that the problem is that the username was changed. I updated your subscription, so you should now see it active on all devices after about a minute of opening the app.

I had the same experience last year with Paddle.  No response and unusable apps for 3 weeks - without the option of migrating all my data. Until someone finally read my  complaints. I now have a CSV copy so I can migrate, if that happens again.

@Jens I'm sorry to hear you had to go through this experience wit your subscription. That is not something we want to happen to any of our customers. I know you have a work-around in case something like this happens again, but I did want to make sure everything is working correctly now. Does your subscription look right in all your mSecure apps?

@Paul Milton-Lyons I never did see a response from you regarding your subscription issue, but I would like to help you get it resolved if it's still not working correctly. Please let me know if you still need help.

Face ID has randomly disappeared, when I started using this password manager app, everything was working perfectly, but almost a year later, it’s truly a worthless piece of junk that is not helpful, actually it is the oppisite, it makes me want to rip my hair out. Missing random passwords of website I’ve been using for decades. Probably 1 out of 3 times the I will try to log into a website I’ve been using for years, never touched the password and I’ll get an “invalid password” and has to reset it, that’s extremely frustrating and this useless app is not worth stressing myself over and giving me chest pains, NOT WORTH IT!!!!
Hi, I’m having the exact same problem with mSecure and I’m about to chuck it. And now Face ID is no where to be found, and I have to sign in every single time I need to find a password. This BS is taking too much time and energy. Can you please tell me what new password manager you are using now? That would be very helpful. Thanx

Hi Sara,

I can help you figure this out if you would like. Much of the problems that happen with Face ID have nothing to do with the 3rd party apps installed on your device. It's typically caused by permissions issues, or some changes being made to your Face ID Settings in iOS. If you would like help, let me know.

Thanks so much….But yea it was because I had to reset some settings, and completely forgot that I needed to make new Face ID Thanks again

No problem at all Sara. Let me know if you need further assistance.

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