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Unable to import data from mSecure on old Mac to new Mac

I recently purchase a new MacBook Pro running Ventura  (13.5.1).  I installed mSecure on the new Mac and I am attempting to import records from a .csv file that I generated on mSecure on my older Mac.  It is running Monterey (12.6.1).    Both systems have mSecure version 6.1.3 (978) installed.   When I try to import the .csv file into the new Mac, mSecure just crashes.   See the attached crash report.

Hi Dean,

I will have our developer look into this further if needed, but I have a question first. Do you still have mSecure installed on your old Mac, and if so, do you see all your information when you open the app? If so, you should create a backup of the data - "File > Backup" in the menu bar at the top left of your screen - instead of a CSV file. After creating the backup on your old Mac, try restoring from that bakcup using "File > Restore" in the menu bar.

I was actually able to get it to work.   It did crash with both the .csv file import and also the restore from a backup file from my other Mac.   The fix was to re-install MSecure on the new Mac and then authenticate to the QR code on my iPhone from the new Mac under the Preferences --> Account tab on my new Mac.  For whatever reason after I did that then I was able to import the .csv file from my old Mac export to my new Mac.

It's great to hear you were able to get everything working. I'm not sure what caused the problem where mSecure had to be reinstalled, but I'm glad it was as simple as resetting the app to restore your data. One thing to mention, if you do have a backup (not a .csv file), it would be best to restore that file because it contains all of the database structure from when the backup was created. A CSV file is intentionally unstructured data, so when imported, there are certain things that might not quite match up. If you did use the CSV export and everything looks good, then no need to worry, but if you see some things that don't look quite right, I would go ahead and restore from a backup instead.

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