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restore data from my IOS to android.

we did the steps 

taking the email from IOS and downloaded it to my android. loged in to mscure. i then went to settings and restored backup file.  I navigated to the backup file and selected it.   once i did this i was directed again to choose a back up file. i went through the steps again and recieved the same message "choose a back up file"

i just upgraded from an Iphone to a new Android and i am trying to move my stuff over. 

Hi Yvonne,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure what's happening with the backup file, because when you select a file to restore from, you will then be asked to enter your password to restore your data. The only thing I can think might be happening here is that you tapping "Backup" instead of "Restore" in mSecure's Settings, but I'm not sure.

The easiest thing to here would be to change mSecure's Sync setting to mSecure Cloud in mSecure. Do you still have your old iOS device by chance? If not, do you have mSecure installed on a different device?

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