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Just purchased a yearly subscription and cannot login

I just purchased my Essentials subscription (receipt #47826271-71839718) after being a mSecure 4 app user for 7 years. I cannot get logged in. If I try to set up a new account, it says my email already has an account. If I try to sign in using that account, I get a message that it is an incorrect username/password. I was able to set up an account on the mSecure Support page using the same email and have changed my password there.  Is this the same user account? If so, why can't I get logged in? This is quite frustrating. 

Hi Karen,

Can you please open our website in a web browser on one of your devices? The website is In the top right corner, you'll see "LOGIN." Click that button, then try to login to your account on the website. Were you able to do so?

I have an account that I use on my iPad.  The user name is memorized (not shown) and I just have to add the password to open.

I want to open that account on my Mac Mini, but it wants my user name.  I tried using my email address, but that does not work.

Any suggestions?

Hi Jean-Claude,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. When you say that it doesn't work to open the account on your Mac Mini, what does that mean? When you open the app, are you asked to Sign in or Sign Up for an account, or are you only asked to enter your password? If you are only asked to enter your password, what email address do you see at the top of the lock screen? Does that email match the email you see in the Account Settings of mSecure on your iPad?

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