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Msecure keeps crashing

My msecure keeps crashing evertime I enter my password on my Galaxy s20 fe 5g..Please help, I need my passwords

Hi Karen,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. We don't have any known bugs that cause the behavior you're experiencing, so unfortunately, I don't know why the crashing is taking place. After checking your account, there are a couple of things I think may be a part of the problem. It looks like you tried to reset your account today, but the reset was not finished. Also, I don't understand how, but it looks like the account was never fully set up. There is no sync feature set, which doesn't make sense. Even if you aren't syncing your data, there should be a setting telling me the feature is disabled.

Before we do anything else, can you let me know if you have access to your information in any version of mSecure on any device? What I'm hoping here is that maybe you upgraded your Android device and perhaps you still have access to your information in mSecure on the old device. If you don't, we're going to have to look for a backup to restore your data from.

One more thing, do you have another device you can install mSecure on? It could be an Android device, but it can be any type of device like a PC or Mac if you have one.

Hello. I am having the same problem with the previous version of mSecure. I am using a Samsung Galaxy Note 20, and I keep teceiving a message that the app has a bug. I need to access it, to access my password to the new version, so that I can move my information over.

Hi Daphne,

The reason for the Android version of mSecure 4 telling you there's a bug in the app is because that version is no longer supported and hasn't been updated in about 6 years. Recent Android updates are finally causing the app to crash, and since it's no longer supported, there won't be a fix released for that older version of the app.

What you'll need to do is upgrade to mSecure 6, which I believe is what you're trying to do now. Since you're not able to sign in to your account in mSecure 6, you'll need to reset the account first. To be clear, resetting your mSecure account will have no effect on the data stored in mSecure 4. mSecure accounts debuted in mSecure 5, so any versions prior to that didn't tie in to any type of account system. Any changes made to your mSecure account will have absolutely no effect on the information stored in mSecure 4. After you have reset your account, you should be able to restore from the v4 migration file that should should be saved on your device.

To reset your account, follow the steps below:

1) Delete mSecure 6 from your device(s). IMPORTANT: Do not delete mSecure 4.

2) Open this link in your web browser on any device:

3) Enter your email address in the "Email Address" field, then click "START PROCESS"

4) You'll receive an email with information for the account reset. Read that email, then click "RESET ACCOUNT".

5) Enter a new password two times, enter a hint to help you remember the password, then click "RESET ACCOUNT"

6) Install mSecure from the Play app on your device

7) Open mSecure and move through the screens until you are asked to Sign In or Sign Up for an account

8) Tap the option to Sign In using your account's email and new password you just set

9) Choose which sync feature you would like to use

10) On Android, you have to give permission for mSecure to access the "mSecure" folder on your device's Internal Storage. Tap the button to choose a "Backup folder" when prompted, find the "mSecure" folder in your Internal Storage, select it, and then set that folder as the "Backup folder."

10) When prompted, choose the option to import your data from mSecure 4

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