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Support mSecure

unable to restore from email back up

Hello Nick

1. The devices are. iMac Osx 12.3.1, iPhone 11Pro 15.3.1, and iPad Pro. All running mSecure essentials account, Premium Trail. All auto upgrades from 5Pro.

mSecure 4 is on iPhone as well.

  1. Another problem has arisen:

I cannot restore my iPhone from a "pre essential back up, email back up." The restore will not accept the password from mSecure backup

See attached screenshots.

Please assist

Niels Kofahl

 very frustrated mSecure user

The new app is unlocked with PW

Support has been promised by Nick Ross many times but beyond token blog emails app every two weeks since March, no support.


Hi Niels,

If mSecure is not accepting the password you are entering when you try to restore from a backup, that means the characters you entered were not able to decrypt the data stored in the backup. This is not an mSecure 6 issue. The reason it's happening is because the password is not the same password that was used when the backup was created in mSecure 4.

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