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Support mSecure

Moving from Passwords Plust to mSecure Import issue

Good day folks, I'm not happy about loosing Passwords plus at all but when given no choice you do what ya gotta do. 

So I'm here and the first issue to appear is a special import feature for PWP users seems to be only available if we purchase on of the version of mSecure. 

Since Msecure is offered as a trial and that's exactly what I need as I'm going to be talking to a lot of my clients I want to fully vet this transition first. I down loaded from the MS store for Windows PC and the only option I saw to import was from some previous versions of mSecure. Obviously that dosen't help. 

How can we complete this import from PWP? 

I saw no other import options once setup was completed. 

5 personnes ont le même problème

Mike, consider this closed. I successfully sent a QR code to their address. 

Once again thank you for the prompt attention and great service. 

I've got about 10 users to go before the end of the year. 

Mike Rutherford. 

No problem at all Mike, I'm happy to help! Please let me know if you need further assistance.

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