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msecure v6 import problem

I'm reading very carefully and trying my best to figure out how to import a CSV into msecure v6. 

Please look at this sample line:

Google,Login,,This is my imported Login data,Website|2|gmail.com,Username|7|[email protected],Password|8|P@$$w0rd

What's wrong with it? It won't import. From what I was able to piece together this is very different than v5 and that I must use the Pipes with (website, username,password) and that for the tags I can leave it blank. It's simply not working. What's wrong? Can you provide a CSV file I can download and use to import? 

1 personne se pose la même question

testv7.csv testv7.csv
110 Bytes

Not an answer to the OP question, but I noticed the export contains these field names with pipes enclosing some sort of code as well, which makes it very difficult to use for anything other than importing back into mSecure 6 (which evidently isn't working either).    I would like to see some documentation on this new csv format as well, and would strongly encourage allowing the user to export more "pure" CSV files without these field names embedded.

Hi Jay, I found out that the very first line of the file must have:

mSecure6 CSV export file

Then it will "probably" work when you attempt to import. I say "probably" because it still was failing without a helpful message... I eventually copied and pasted into a new LibreOffice spreadsheet and saved as CSV fresh (with that line above up top). Then it would import. I think there is something there with multi-line notes needed to be surrounded in double quotes. I struggled for over 6 hours before I could get it to import. 

Hi Aaron-

Wow.  How did you come up with adding that first line? That text doesn't show in records I export?  And did you just guess on quoting the multi-line notes?

I have to say it's kind of disappointing that these changes weren't documented prior to the mandatory "upgrade" of mSecure and leaving their users scrambling to guess at how to do things.  The CSV import/export is a very common feature across password managers and I'm really surprised they've messed with it and made it almost private to their app alone (yes, tech savvy users can figure it out, but .....).

Hi Jay. I'm new here, to msecure, but it seems like it's one of the better options if we don't want to save our credentials in the cloud. I was using MYKI before this but they went bankrupt. Ultimately it would be good to have a smart import and export feature where you can tell it how to treat each column visually... a lot like what LibreOffice has when you open a CSV file. Maybe they'll do that in v7 :-)

Right now the official documentation only talks about the formatting for v5. It was a lot of trial and error to figure it out for v6 without docs. 

Hi Aaron - Agreed.  I use mSecure exclusively because it allows wifi sync.  To be honest, I use LastPass for my non-important logins, but for stuff that is more sensitive, I use mSecure.  

I'm having a few other issues (tags not transferring, etc) and am currently locked out  on my phone - I'm sure that will get fixed.  The thing is, on every version transition, there are these same kinds of  problems where the lack of attention to detail causes users data problems.   For version 5, they even omitted Wifi Sync initially until so many users complained.   KeePass is probably the obvious competitor from a WiFi Sync password manager perspective, 

Hey Aaron -  As luck would have it, I ended up trying an import to restore correct modified date fields and it worked without doing anything special.  I just exported the problem entries to a CSV, and then reimported without modifying the export file at all.  It worked fine and now the modified dates are as of the import timestamp.

I'm using the Windows version  

Hi Aaron and Jay,

We will be getting documentation up for the CSV importing soon. I am sorry for the delay. Until then, here is what I have sent customers who need help with importing data...

Here is a run-down of the logic for CSV imports. The formatting for each row, or record, is outlined below:

You have to have "mSecure6 CSV export file" at the top row of the CSV file (I believe Aaron was the one who reminded me of that in another thread)

<title|record-ID>,<template-name>,<tags>,<note>, <field-labe1|field-type1|field-data1>,<field-label2|field-type2|field-data2>

There are a few things I need to go over. First, the pipes included in the format are part of the actual CSV data structure. They are not there to simply separate words, if that makes sense. The angled brackets, on the other hand, are purely visual and should not be included in the actual CSV data. 

Second, much of the data for each row is optional. For example, the "record-ID" after the pipe in the first field should not be used when importing new information. That should only be included if the CSV data was exported from mSecure originally and is only used to make sure duplicates are not created. In your situation, you would only include the title for the record.

Third, when not including a certain property delimited by a pipe, the pipe character should be left out. For example, again using the first field, you would only include the title, and there would be no pipe added to the field data in the CSV. Pipe characters are only included when you are making use of a property for the field.

Fourth, each field, those entries that come after the <note> field, has 3 properties: label, type and data, and all are optional. If only a comma is separating one field from the next, ie. two commas in succession, then an empty field should be created with a default label. This is a very uncommon scenario so only added to be thorough.

Fifth, multiple tags must be separated by a comma enclosed in one set of quotation marks like this: Title,Login,"tag1,tag2,etc",Some notes...

Now for an example record using the default Login template. Here is what the CSV entry would look like:

Netflix,Login,"entertainment,family,subscriptions",Signed up on 2/15/2017,Website|2|https://www.netflix.com,Username|7|[email protected],Password|8|P@$$w0rd,Custom Field1 Label|0|Custom Field1 Data,Custom Field2 Label|1|Custom Field2 Data

In the above row, here's how it would be translated by mSecure:

Title: Netflix

Template: Login

Tags: entertainment, family, subscriptions

Note: Signed up on 2/15/2017

Field 1:


Label: Website

Type: URL

Data: https://www.netflix.com

Field 2:


Label: Username

Type: Username

Data: [email protected]

Field 3:


Label: Password

Type: Password

Data: P@$$w0rd

Custom Field 1:


Label: Custom Field1 Label

Type: Text

Data: Custom Field1 Data

Custom Field 2:


Label: Custom Field2 Label

Type: Text (no auto-correct)

Data: Custom Field2 Data

I'm attaching a CSV file with one field of every type, so you can see the code you would use for each of them. For example, the URL field type ID is 2, Username type is 7, Password type is 8, and so on. You'll see all of the codes in the attached CSV file.

_csv-ex.csv _csv-ex.csv
462 Bytes

Hi Mike-

Thanks for posting this. I had seen this info after-the-fact in the Tips section of the Forum.  FWIW, I was able to successfully import a CSV without the first line "mSecure6 CSV export file" as mentioned above.  Interestingly, mSecure does not include this line when exporting a CSV (at least in the exports that I've done so far from the Windows app).

Hi Jay,

I need to thank you and another customer, whose name I can't remember right now, for bringing to our attention that CSV files exported in V6 don't contain "mSecure6 CSV export file" at the top row of the file. That is needed, and I just notified our developer of the issue right now. It will be added to the app soon.

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