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Support mSecure

mSecure 6 / Windows 10 - NO LOGIN WINDOW

Okay, I feel really dumb asking, but a Login Window is not presented to me on my Windows 10 machine to allow me to get mSecure 6 to open. Works fine on my Apple devices. Anyone have a tip or trick or instruction to tell me what I'm doing wrong?

2 personnes se posent la même question

@Tim We're currently working on the problem, but the bug has been a very difficult one to figure out. We have a build out with the fix, so now we're just waiting on users to confirm the fix. The issue will be resolved as soon as possible, and then we'll get it published to the Microsoft Store.

I also have exactly the same issue

I have the same issue as the users above. The app was working fine until this morning. I am using Windows 10 64 bit. I get the splash screen then nothing. It still works on my mobile phone and I have checked synching is up to date. I have tried a reboot but nothing else.  If you have any suggestions please let me know
I know you are doing your best to resolve this but it is pretty disastrous for me at the moment as I store hundreds of passwords in the app and they are essential for running my business. I can get the passwords from my mobile but many of them consist of 16 or more random characters so typing them into a login box is not easy.
Please let me know as soon as you have a fix


Same issue. Started yesterday (4/11) morning. Hopefully fix coming soon. Thanks.

Yep, I'm having the same issue with Windows 10 mSecure today!

I've been using this app for year and never had any complaints.

Just a quick update on the freezing issue on the splash screen. It is a very difficult bug that's being caused by a framework we don't have control over. The initialization we're calling is causing the app to fail, and mSecure is given no error to handle. Since there is no error thrown, the app simply crashes silently.

We have a work around for what's happening until we get more data on how to handle the problem. As of now, we have not been able to find the true solution we're searching for, but it should come in the future. When you get the new version that will be submitted either today or tomorrow, it will start avoiding the analytics initialization. It does take at least one cycle of crashing for the fix to be implemented, so you may see the crash one more time after downloading the new version. After that one crash, however, you should not see it happen again.

After the app is submitted, it will go through the approval process with Microsoft, which can take anywhere from 1 to however many business days they take for the review. It will be released as soon as possible.

I would appreciate a bit more help on working out when the new version is available. I cannot find a version number in the Microsoft app store and the release date shown on the current version is rather unhelpfully shown as March 2015. Add to the that the inability to open the installed version means I cannot find out what version I currently have.

Finally when I am sure the new version is available for download are there any pre-install recommendations - backups etc or can we just go ahead and install the new version and assume it will import all data from the existing version? 

Thanks for any help

@Leo The details for releases are at the bottom of the description of the app. That's just the way Microsoft does it, and it's a little different in all the app stores. You can search down at the bottom and it will tell you what version is currently in the store.

We won't be sending out emails to customers letting them know the new version is available. If you automatic updates on, the new version will be downloaded automatically. It has been submitted to the Microsoft Store, so we're crossing our fingers it can be published before the weekend, but that's all contingent upon when they finish the review process. You'll need to check to the Store app for the availability of an update over the next week. It will become available as soon as possible.

There is no pre-install recommendations. Everything should work after the update is downloaded, but of course, if you continue to experience any issues, please let me know.

Has this bug been fixed?

It has been fixed, but the new build has not been approved by Microsoft yet. We submitted it yesterday, and it takes them anywhere between 1 and 5 business days to finish the review. It will be published in the Store as soon as Microsoft approves it.

I can confirm that the latest version from the MS Store is working properly.  Thank you!!

It resolved the issue for me as well. Thank you!

All working ok after update, many thanks

Great news everyone! Sorry it took as long as it did to get this issue figured out and a work-around published. Thank you all for your patience.

Working for me also. Thank You 

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