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msecure 6 and i cant login !!! it just times out on windows 10


 i just updated to msecure 6 and bought a 1 year license. now i am not able to log in anymore!!!!

it is just freezing. there is just the "lock" picture without any password line. thats the total horror!

i need my passwords immediately!!!

9 personnes ont le même problème

It is just a desaster with mSecure 6! I cant launch it with my PC and the support wont reply. I CANT USE MY PASSWORDS. DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT THAT MEAN????

I reinstalled it on PC then it started. But on my iphone my account wasnt registered. i paid again but this time with apple iphoen not windows! (the second time) because it was worth a try.

My iphone is registered now BUT PC HANGS AGAIN!

Come on guys. I paid 2 times and nothing works even not re refund! NOBODY ANSWERING!

THAT IS A DESASTER! I want my money back AND my passwords. This shitty abo i hate it.

I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing and for the time it's taken to respond. Our support system is backed up right due to the release of mSecure 6, so our response times are much longer than normal.

What you are describing is not normal behavior. mSecure will not stop working when you purchase a subscription, and it's never a good idea to purchase a second subscription if something went wrong the first time you purchased. I'll try to help you with getting a refund for the second purchase as soon as I'm able to find the subscriptions in our system.

The first thing we need to figure out is the state of your data. Do you have access to your information in any version of mSecure on at least one device? If not, do you know if you have a recent backup of your data? If you don't, we'll have to look fore a backup that would have been created automatically.

I am suffering from the same issue. Just a blank screen with a lock icon and no way to enter a password. Have submitted a ticket with a screenshot and am waiting. But, from the blogs it sounds like it may be a while since this update was not ready for prime time and mSeven is overwhelmed with a lot of really, really unhappy customers. Not being able to revert to a previous version as a fall back is a real kick in the pants. It certainly has me searching for a new product. 

I have the same issue. Blank dark blue screen with the lock icon and cannot enter password. If I reboot, it allows me to enter the program, but as soon as i leave and try to run program again it locks up the same way.  Rebooting all the time is not an answer and I don't trust my passwords to an unstable program. I have also submitted a ticket and am waiting. I was very happy with msecure5 pro and would love to revert to that version.

Same issue here, opened up a ticket already. What is going on here? Even a reboot doesn't fix this, it is a total mess. I need my passwords, and I need them NOW!!!

Even after the update to version, a login was possible again for as long as the program doesn't get closed. After closing and try to re-open it, the same issue occurs again. Just the lock icon displayed, nothing else.

I have deleted the app twice, and it will work once or twice after deletion................Then it just freezes to the lock icon.   This is not good.

@Everyone Unfortunately, it looks like didn't fix the problem you are running into. At this time, I don't know what's causing the behavior, but it only seems to be happening to a select portion of our users.

I don't know what information would help, but we know the problem we fixed in had something to do with loading subscription data. Have you all purchased subscriptions or not? If you did purchase a subscription, did you purchase it from our website or from inside the Windows app? 

@Mike: Didn't purchased a subscription. Came from mSecure5 Pro and was first placed in the essentials tier. Then I noticed a popup in the left corner which stated that I got a 30 day Trial. Thats when I first encountered the issues.

I also came from v5pro. When your premium test period still showed 30 days, it still worked. When the timer switched to 29 days, it was not possible to start again after the program had ended. Why a test period at all when you come from V5pro?

@Patrick You all have a Premium trial because everyone gets access to all features in mSecure for 30 days. We wanted everyone to be able to experience all of the new app for a trial period. Since you have an Essentials account, because you have a V5 Pro license, you don't have access to the Premium features after the trial ends. You'll continue to have access to the Essentials features.

@Everyone I have just submitted a new build for Windows to the Microsoft Store, so we now just have to wait for its approval. This build has updates for some upgrade messaging, and it also has fixes for the freezing issue you are experiencing. After v6.0.239.0 is available for download, please confirm if the issue is fixed or not, especially if you continue to experience the problem. We believe we have the bug resolved, but if for some reason something was missed, we want to know right away, so we can fix it.

@Mike I got the update to v2.0.239.0 and was able to login right after the update. I then closed the program and after reopening it, again, no login possible. It just behaves like before, only the lock icon is visible, no password field, and the app closes itself after a about half a minute.

I'm more than happe to provide further logs or anything that help you to fix this issue.

But I'm afraid this damages the trust that I had in this software.

When I launch the app on pc I am able to login however the app seems to freeze and become unresponsive after syncing my data.

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