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how do I view my account to see what devices it is on and how many are allowed 

1 personne se pose la même question

Hi Robert,

Thank you for contacting us. At this time, there is no way to see how many and what types of devices are signed in to your account. That is something on our radar for future releases, though. You do receive emails notifying you of new sign ins to the account, so we hope that provides the warning customers need if they suspect something unauthorized is happening with their account.

It’s not how many are, signed in, how many does my account allow?

You can sign in to your mSecure account on as many devices as you own. There is no limit to the amount of devices you can use with mSecure.

This is my third try on submitting my question:  Is there a phone number where I can call so someone can help me setup my  mSecure 5  or Secure 6 to my new phone?  I currently have mSecure5 on my old phone and just want to transfer it to my new phone.

Eydin urbina

@Ralph The reason you have not received a response is because you contacted us on the weekend. We are closed on weekends, so no one is here to answer. It's not that no one is answering you because we don't want to. There is literally no one working to answer you. Does that make sense?

Also, if you continue to send in emails without us having the opportunity answer it, your request just gets bumped down in the queue, which makes it takes longer for you to get a response. Please wait for us to respond, before sending more emails. Unless it's over the weekend, we do everything we can to answer your requests within 24 hours.

I will find your ticket in our email support and answer you now. We'll keep our correspondence in that email thread from here on out.

Thanks Mike I didn't know y'all didn't operate 24/7.  I resolved my concerns.

No problem at all Ralph, and it's great to here you were able to get things working. I'm going to mark your ticket as closed in our email support, so if you need further assistance, you can either respond here to this post or simply send another email. Take care. 

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