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Support mSecure

mSecure 3.5.6 on a Mac


I have mSecure 3.5.6 on a Mac. Recently I got an iPhone so I want to upgrade mSecure on my Mac to the latest version and I also want it on my iPhone. Since installing mSecure 5.* requires me to maken an account I tried to set up a new account using my email address. I can't because that email address is already in use. So obviously I made an account previously but I can't use that because I don't have that password anymore. Can you help me out?

Hi Henri,

Thank you for contacting us. I will be able to help you with this, but first I need to know which email address you are using when you try to sign in to mSecure 5. Once I know that, I can check on the account on our server, and then help with steps to solve the problem.

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