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Item names not showing up on iPhone app

I have mSecure on both my iPhone and my laptop. I can see that there are the same number of items in both locations and that they are synced however when I open the app on my iPhone I only see the symbol and no name for most all items. I have tried to delete the app and reinstall and I am getting the same problem.

Hi Julie,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I'm not sure could be causing this to happen, but I we should be able to get this fixed pretty quickly. The first thing I'm going to have you do is create new backup of your data on you PC. To do that, open mSecure on that device, click the gear icon in the bottom left of the app window, then click "Backups." In the "Backup settings" screen, click the "Backup now!" button, and save the backup to your desktop.

Now that you have a new backup of your data, I'm going to have you follow a few steps to see if it will solve the problem you are seeing. First, on your PC, go to the Settings again, then click "Sync Settings." In the "Sync Settings" screen, click the "Sync Method" dropdown, and choose the "Don't Sync" option. This will remove all data from your mSecure Cloud account online. Next, go ahead and delete mSecure from your iPhone, then reinstall it from the App Store app. After it's reinstalled, go ahead and sign in to your account. When you finish reinstalling, the app will still be empty, which is good. Now on either device, open mSecure's Settings and change the sync feature to "mSecure Cloud" again, and your data should sync over to your iPhone after a few minutes.

Did that have any effect on the problem Julie?

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