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mSecure crash on iPod Touch

 I have a 16GByte iPod Touch (MB531LL) with the "latest" version of mSecure installed. (It's a pretty old iPod Touch - I don't even know what version of iOS it's running. mSecure doesn't run long enough to show its version.) The iPod has about 7GBytes free. Everything had been working fine up until a week or so ago. 

Now, the problem is that the mSecure app opens, shows the splash screen for a second or two, then quits. This mSecure crash is repeatable, despite turning the iPod Touch off and on, etc.

I have a full backup of the iPod Touch on a 2018 Macbook Air. I do not have an account on your web/cloud platform.

How can I get access to my password data? (Either through the iPod Touch, or perhaps by retrieving a file from the Macbook Air's backup).

Hi Rich,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for such a late response to your question. Were you able to get access to your data, or is mSecure still crashing on your iPod? Do you have access to your information in any version of mSecure running on any of your devices?

Thanks for the response.

1) Yes, but iPod Touch is still crashing on launch.

2) Yes, I got access to the data. We apparently had a current backup on a Macbook Air, and were able to open the .mcsx file with mSecure 4.something.

3) It would be nice, though no longer critical, to attempt to re-install the mSecure app on the iPod Touch. But it's running iOS 4.2.1, which doesn't seem to be able to download anything from the app store...

Thoughts? Thanks.


Hi Rich,

It's great to hear you were able to restore your data from the .mscx file. Regarding your iPod Touch, I believe the reason it's not working is due to the age of iOS on that device. I can't remember which version of iOS is required for mSecure 4.5 to work, but I think 4.2.1 is too old. The best thing to do is to try downloading it from your list of purchased apps in the App Store app, but I believe you have already done that, and it looks like it's not able to download it. There is no way to sideload apps on iOS, so that isn't an option.

You did try downloading mSecure 4.5 from your list of purchased apps in the App Store app, right?

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