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Android Auto Login under Android 10

 Is the Auto Login feature working under Android 10? I did not try it before updating to 10 and now the pop up never shows up.



Hi Nicholas,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing.  Unfortunately, it seems that our Auto Login (Accessibility feature) can sometimes stop working randomly. It's an issue that we can't diagnose exactly and something that happens on Android 8, 9, and 10. To fix the issue, open your device's Settings, go System, tap Accessibility, and tap "mSecure 5 Auto-Login." The feature will either be disabled or show that there is or was an error. If the feature is currently disabled, make sure to enable the feature. Otherwise, disable and re-enable the feature. Unfortunately, the Accessibility feature might stop working again randomly in the future.

We are aware of the issue and are working to fix it in the future. We are also looking into implementing Android's AutoFill API as well in the future.


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